Monday 11 November 2013

Helloooo again my second blog entry thank you all for the views yesterday and today  :D 26 in a day and a half wow :)  so today I thought maybe I could talk about how I work and how this blog will work I will upload pictures once a week or there abouts :D depending on how busy I am hehe ,  see I draw everyday but posting them online everyday takes time away from doing my  art so  I will upload 5 or 6 every Friday  like I said unless I am too busy XD ,

buutt I will blog everyday for you fine readers  so even if I don't post art I will be blathering on xD hehe

what I will be doing on this blog is talking about things that I do and that mean allot to me ,my techniques , my art preferences , artists that I love , my friends and family will come up in it too lol :D , I will do features from deviant art sometimes too :), also my favoutrite manga and anime I may talk about the techniques that the artists of my fav manga/anime  use and talk about things i have learned from them  :)  

also I will post tips that I have picked up and if you want some I could do some small tutorials (comment if you need any  :D )

anyway  so I want to explain what sort of art I do  I draw manga  the Japanese form of comic book   which gets its origins from over 1000 year old scroll illustrations  there are many forms of manga I do a sort of shonen style manga with fights and swords and magic all that good stuff  :)

I draw traditionally  and love it that way I don't get along with digital drawing mediums it always seems wrong I try to draw on the screen instead of the tablet or mouse pad hehe :D 

I use HB Faber-castell grip 2001 pencils for all my work and I will never use another pencil they rock :D  I also use

 uni pin and sakura pigma micron ink pens both awesome ink pens 

I was using spectrum noir colour markers but am having trouble getting the replacement ink for them so I am not sure yet if I will keep using them XD great colours but hard work getting replacements 

I get custom sized manga paper from a company called polka doodles who very kindly cut it to size for me  I recommend them highly  and appreciate there help :D  

other things I use

I have a set of French curves and a circle template and a flexi curve if you want to draw manga these are a must have :)

I learned anatomy from a book called "drawing cutting edge anatomy Christopher hart "   this is a cutting edge anatomy book so for American style comics buutt all the muscles are the same anyway so  it doesn't matter once you learn where they all are you can resize them accordingly I recommend this book very highly it helped me more than I thought possible get it :D

I use the internet allot for inspiration and reference   different trees architecture  historical clothing anything it is out there use it :)

 I love drawing and I hope all you readers can keep up with me  and stick with me :)   I hope I don't bore you tooo much ;) that's about it for today see you again tomorrow  :D

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